Partners > ActionIQ CDP Consulting
Serve marketing and operations teams by meeting all data requirements in a timely fashionÂ
Implement the ActionIQ customer data platform as a winning marketing and digital technology stackÂ
Address business-critical use cases across marketing, sales, customer service and digital channelsÂ
Build a scalable and flexible data platform that evolves and grows with your marketing and marketing operations usersÂ
Significant immediate value from your ActionIQ investment – you can build on success by scaling, changing & evolving over time
Engagement with your own marketing, data, and analyst teams to ensure application of best practices and arm them with technology skillsets & product specific knowledge where needed
Long-term coverage and support – as new sources are ingested to ActionIQ and as your campaign use cases evolve and extend to true multi-channel delivery
Learn how an investment management firm implemented CDP solution to improve performance and client satisfaction.
+ 1 (514) 223 3648 – Sales Inquiries
+ 1 (514) 392 9822 – General