B2B Real-Time Lead Assignment with SMS Gateway

B2B Real-Time Lead Assignment with SMS Gateway featured image

Near real-time lead assignment to dealers made possible with SMS Gateway

Adobe + SMS Gateway logos
orange down arrow
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time to market
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20,000 leads
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Opt-out rate
less than 0.15%
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time to market
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20,000 leads
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Opt-out rate
less than 0.15%

This Canadian recreational
vehicle retailer

specializes in products for snow, water, asphalt, dirt, and air. Their products are distributed to dealers globally where customers can interact and purchase directly.

B2B Real-Time Lead Assignment with SMS Gateway image
B2B Real-Time Lead Assignment with SMS Gateway image

The client’s goal

was to notify the correct, certified dealer with leads based on events in real time. This required delivering 20,000 leads each month to a network of over 1000 dealers in North America with SMS support in English, French & Spanish.

Munvo leveraged SMS Gateway

templates for real-time callouts from events while relying on SMS Gateway feedback loops to identify follow-up and re-allocation of leads.

B2B Real-Time Lead Assignment with SMS Gateway image
B2B Real-Time Lead Assignment with SMS Gateway success story featured image

Dynamic messaging templates were leveraged

to support language variations by client preference and handled transformation of complex events without any modification in their current tech stack, via a serverless framework.


Munvo’s solution combined the retailer’s tech stack and Munvo Labs’ SMS Gateway to offer a leads notification service. The client was able to provide dealers with rich lead information including intent data previously unavailable.

2 days to 10 minutes graphic
reduced lead notification data latency
less than 0.15% graphic
20K graphic
leads delivered each


Munvo’s solution combined the retailer’s tech stack and Munvo Labs’ SMS Gateway to offer a leads notification service. The client was able to provide dealers with rich lead information including intent data previously unavailable.

2 days to 10 minutes graphic
reduced lead notification data latency
less than 0.15% graphic
20K graphic
leads delivered each

Ready to get started?

Munvo Solutions is your premier MarTech Solutions partner. As a proud member of the PlusCo network and a specialized marketing agency, we bring you innovative solutions tailored to your needs. Our trusted partnerships with industry leaders like Adobe, SAS, Salesforce, Unica, Redpoint, ActionIQ, and PEGA enable us to deliver unparalleled service and expertise.

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