Munvo Charity Event: Giving Back to the Community

Munvo Charity Event: Giving Back to the Community

Hey everyone, I’m Catherine, a software consultant at Munvo. I want to share a fantastic charity event we held in December, where we came together as a team to give back to Toronto’s homeless and low-income community.

At Munvo, we help our clients maximize their MarTech investment. As proud corporate citizens of the cities where we operate, we also believe in giving back to the community and helping those in need.

I initially found a posting on the Fred Victor website. Fred Victor is a social service charitable organization that fosters long-lasting and positive change in the lives of homeless and low-income people across Toronto. They were looking for groups to assemble and donate Winter Care kits for Toronto’s homeless and low-income community. I thought it was a great initiative and shared it with Saba Mirza, our Toronto office head, to see if we could participate.

Saba was on board with the idea and recommended using our Party Planning budget to buy the items for the event. I contacted Fred Victor to see if they were still accepting donations, and they were thrilled to receive our Winter Care kits.

I made a list of items needed for the kits, researched where to purchase them, and calculated the total cost. Ultimately, the cost was significantly more than what our Party Planning budget could support, so we worked with our leadership team and HR to leverage the Munvo Donation Matching program. With their approval, Saba and I ordered all the necessary items together.

Finally, in December, we had all the items ready to be assembled into kits in our office. We decided to use time during our holiday party at the end of the month to create the kits. We had a speaker from Fred Victor give a presentation about the organization and the impact of our kits on their residents/clients, and then we got down to business assembling the kits.

Some Munvo employees focused on putting items in the bags, some were responsible for packing the finished bags into boxes, and some wrote cards to include in the bag. Seeing everyone come together and work towards a common goal was terrific. At the night’s end, we had 50 assembled Winter Care kits to donate.

Before the Munvo holiday shutdown, two colleagues and I dropped off the Winter Care kits at the Fred Victor building. In January, we received an email from Fred Victor saying that the kits were successfully distributed and thanking Munvo for the donations.

As a team, we were so proud to have positively impacted our community by giving back to those in need. It was an incredible feeling to come together and work towards a common goal, and we can’t wait to do more events like this in the future.

Thanks for taking the time to read about our charity event, and we hope it inspires you to give back to your community as well.

Munvo Charity Event: Giving Back to the Community - Catherine Shi

Catherine Shi

Software Consultant at Munvo

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