Build an offer redemption system

Build an offer redemption system

Target customers who visit your website, mobile app or instore, by implementing an offer redemption system, where they can see their eligible offers, redeem and get free discounts or coupons.


Orange bullet point

Deploying offers to your customers regularly, with an offer redemption system can increase your customers retention rate to 5%.

Orange bullet point

It is estimated it can increase your business profits by 25-30%.

Upward trend icon
Increase your business
Factory icon
All industries (websites, mobile application or instore kiosks)
Targeted audience icon
All customers
Products icon
Adobe Real-Time CDP,
Munvo AEP Gateway
Adobe & Event Gateway logos

Use Case Steps:

Person on the Internet illustration
Customer visits your website, mobile app or instore kiosk

Customers visits your website either for the first time, or returning.

Right arrow
Internet activity illustration
Website shows personalized offer in a regular basis

Customers who visited the websites mobile app or store, get to see their eligible offer in a regular basis.


Right arrow
Person on the Internet illustration
Customer redeems his eligible offers

Customers redeems his offer and sees the next date where the next eligible offers will be available.

Info icon


Use this playbook to re-engage with an existing customer, or to invite new customers to your business, using an offers redemption system, which will show new offers to customers regularly.

Duration: 4 to 8 weeks

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