Service Notifications & Offer Redemption

Service Notifications & Offer Redemption

Improve customer satisfaction with real-time service notifications and seamless offer redemption. Event Gateway enables telecommunications companies to send personalized messages and validate offers instantly.


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Improve customer satisfaction by sending real-time service notifications, such as appointment reminders or overdue payment alerts.

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Enhance revenue through offer redemption: Real-time offer validation and redemption can increase sales by up to 10% for first-time customers or referrals.

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Operational efficiency: Automating service notifications and real-time offer redemptions reduces manual effort and improves customer engagement.

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Improve the customer experience through timely notifications and boost conversions through real-time offer validation and redemption.
Telecom icon
Telecommunications (Telco)
Targeted audience icon
Telco customers (both new and existing)
Products icon
Munvo Event Gateway, SMS gateway & Adobe Campaign Classic
Adobe, Event Gateway, & SMS Gateway logos

Use Case Steps:

Internet activity illustration
Customer receives service notifications

Event Gateway triggers real-time messages for service-related notifications such as overdue payments, service appointment reminders, or upcoming promotions.

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Woman on Internet securely illustration
Real-time offer redemption

If a customer is eligible for a first-time discount or referral program, the Event Gateway validates the offer in real-time and sends the discount or offer code to the customer’s mobile device.

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Woman pushing shopping cart illustration
Offer redemption at the store

Customers receive a real-time offer via SMS or email, which can be redeemed in-store, ensuring a smooth and timely experience.

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This playbook enhances customer engagement for Telco companies by automating real-time service notifications and offer redemptions, improving customer satisfaction and driving revenue.

Duration: 1 to 2 weeks

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