How to Switch to the new Adobe Workfront Experience From Workfront Classic

How to Switch to the new Adobe Workfront Experience From Workfront Classic

Adobe Workfront is a centralized workplace that helps to give executives real-time insights to portfolios, programs, projects, resources, and more. With its sleek interface, Workfront’s project management abilities can identify bottlenecks and gaps in the process.

Adobe announced changes to Workfront Classic in December 2021 in the 21.4 Release overview. This release will require Workfront users to transition to the new Workfront experience. More importantly, support for Workfront Classic ends on March 31, 2022.

Adobe Workfront recommends transitioning:

  • At least 30% of your users to the new interface by January 15, 2022
  • 100% of your users by the March 31, 2022 end-of-support date
New Workfront Experience

Charbel Nohra, an Adobe Workfront Consultant at Munvo, explains what the new Workfront Experience interface offers and why it’s so important to make the switch:

  1. Workfront Classic will no longer be available after July 2022
  2. The new Workfront interface is far more intuitive for efficient work 
  3. It will inherit the same features as Classic experience with new enhanced features for a modern user interface

In this short 4 minute video, Charbel walks you through the platform changes including the new left panel menu and layout template enhancements.

How to switch to the new Workfront Experience?

Munvo is Workfront certified and can help you with a seamless transition to the new interface by end-of-support date.

To discuss further, click the button below to book a call.

Want to learn more about our partnership with Adobe, click here: Munvo offers full support for the Adobe Experience Cloud.

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